MOdern UNifying Trends in Marine Biology (MOUNT)

The physical object of the project focuses on scientific research that refers to three levels of hierarchical organization of marine life: individuals, populations, ecosystems. IMBBC conducts basic and applied research on these three levels of organization of the living world, revealing the current needs for specialized personnel and training, applying modern theoretical, sampling, experimental and analytical methods and creating new infrastructures and international communication networks. At the same time, it participates in international developments, identifying modern methodological gaps and research needs and designing new research and development policies. Emphasis is placed on understanding the observed patterns and response to environmental and climate change as well as aquaculture, a dynamic industry of animal food production worldwide. The MOUNT program refers to a series of targeted research options in the form of work packages, the parallel elaboration of which reflects precisely the modern coordination needs and the long process of convergence towards a continuous unifying process of addressing the above research challenges. In this direction, the horizontal infrastructure actions of the project are developed to further support the research.